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MAREŞ & MAREŞ and Dolea & Co concluded a strategic alliance aimed at providing integrated legal services in Romania and the Republic of Moldova in the field of white collar crime, investigations, international disputes, as well as commercial and investment arbitration.

“In these areas, clients need assistance on the legal systems in two or more jurisdictions and our partnership distinguishes on the market through swifter and more flexible solutions. Moreover, we have the resources and capabilities to adapt to any request, so that anyone, from local entrepreneurs, multinational companies to individuals, can benefit from the most appropriate defense strategies and an fair balance between cost and added value", said Mihai MAREŞ.

"Considering Mihai's involvement in some of the most sophisticated local and cross-border cases and our experience in arbitration, including with a Magic Circle firm, this collaboration offers us considerable strengths: international exposure, integrated teams specialized exclusively in white collar crime, litigation and arbitration, access to best practices and cooperation with some of the best and most respected global alliances in the field ", added Sorin Dolea.
